
Many processes need a high pressure fluid feed and therefore pumps. Rather than two pumps, a dual drive with an SSS Clutch can enable a secondary drive unit to back up the electric motor drive, maintaining the system flexibility but reducing the overall cost and footprint.
Alternatively the power absorbed by the primary driver can be reduced by recovering the downstream system pressure through a Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbine (HPRT), which is connected to the pump by an SSS Clutch. The system starts the pump with an electric motor drive and once the sysetm is at pressure, the recovery turbine starts and automatically engages through the SSS Clutch to support the drive and improve energy efficiency.
Pumps are generally intermediate speed devices often with sensitive shaft systems requiring self-supporting encased SSS Clutches. The HPRT normally needs more maintenance than the pump, so the ability to overhaul the turbine without stopping the pump can be required. The SSS Clutch has features to allow this.
Typical Dual Drive Pump Applications:
- Amine Pumps
- CO2 strippers
- Diesel Hydrotreater
- Water Pumps
- Boiler Feed Pumps
- Phosphorous
- Nitric Acid
- Methanol